Unemployment rates might be coming down for the first times in years, but the percentages of those unemployed are still too high. For every position that is posted, there are dozens of applicants who are over qualified for the job. Before you post your resume online or apply for a job, here are some tips that can help give you a leg up on the other applicants to hopefully get you the job.
Include relevant work experience
Each job is different, and so should each resume submitted. Using the same generic resume for multiple job applications will not make you stand out to any of the companies receiving them. Taylor the resume to each job application making sure to highlight different aspects of jobs that show you are qualified for the new position. Any position held can show different highlights that apply to a new job. If you worked face to face with people, sold products or ideas, answered the phone a lot, or learned specific computer programs, list it in a way that can be relevant to the new job. If aspects to a previous job do not have anything to do with a new job, do not include it.
Follow All Directions
Generally, when most people are applying for multiple positions, things all start to look the same in job postings and a tendency to skim the ad sets in. Notice the details and the differences. If certain qualities or experiences are listed specifically in a job ad, make sure that you include that information on the resume. Employers receive so many applications and resumes that usually the first thing that will rule a person out is their inability to follow simple directions clearly outlined in the job description.
Include Keywords
Another way to show an employer that you are perfect for their job opening is by listing the reasons you are exactly who they are looking for. If certain criteria are listed in the job description, include them on your resume. Do not try to beat around the bush, just be direct and straight forward by using the keywords. Some resume examples might be if they say they are looking for someone who is detail oriented or organized, list those as qualities you possess and list the reasons why. Putting the information in front of a potential employer’s face why you are the perfect person for the job can only help get an interview.
Keep It Simple
While playing with formatting and clip art can be added to make a resume stand out, it may stand out in a way that you did not intend. Employers are looking for straight forward information, not fancy frills that make it hard to read. Making something hard to read can not only be annoying to some employers, but may also not be worth the effort when there are a lot of other resumes to sift through.
Include Relevant Non-Work Experience
The world of employment is not the only way to gain experience. Employers know this just as well as anyone else and will not disregard information put on that will give a leg up in the position. Leadership experience gained through sororities, home owner associations, or volunteer work can be more than applicable to a job.
Author Bio: Linda Hildebrant is the Associate Director of Internet Marketing for Resume.com, where you can create and post your resume online. She has several years of experience as a resume coach. When she is not writing about resume tips, she likes to shop and travel the world.
Include relevant work experience
Each job is different, and so should each resume submitted. Using the same generic resume for multiple job applications will not make you stand out to any of the companies receiving them. Taylor the resume to each job application making sure to highlight different aspects of jobs that show you are qualified for the new position. Any position held can show different highlights that apply to a new job. If you worked face to face with people, sold products or ideas, answered the phone a lot, or learned specific computer programs, list it in a way that can be relevant to the new job. If aspects to a previous job do not have anything to do with a new job, do not include it.
Follow All Directions
Generally, when most people are applying for multiple positions, things all start to look the same in job postings and a tendency to skim the ad sets in. Notice the details and the differences. If certain qualities or experiences are listed specifically in a job ad, make sure that you include that information on the resume. Employers receive so many applications and resumes that usually the first thing that will rule a person out is their inability to follow simple directions clearly outlined in the job description.
Include Keywords
Another way to show an employer that you are perfect for their job opening is by listing the reasons you are exactly who they are looking for. If certain criteria are listed in the job description, include them on your resume. Do not try to beat around the bush, just be direct and straight forward by using the keywords. Some resume examples might be if they say they are looking for someone who is detail oriented or organized, list those as qualities you possess and list the reasons why. Putting the information in front of a potential employer’s face why you are the perfect person for the job can only help get an interview.
Keep It Simple

Include Relevant Non-Work Experience
The world of employment is not the only way to gain experience. Employers know this just as well as anyone else and will not disregard information put on that will give a leg up in the position. Leadership experience gained through sororities, home owner associations, or volunteer work can be more than applicable to a job.
Author Bio: Linda Hildebrant is the Associate Director of Internet Marketing for Resume.com, where you can create and post your resume online. She has several years of experience as a resume coach. When she is not writing about resume tips, she likes to shop and travel the world.
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